This has been one of the busiest weeks in CDL so far, especially considering the fact that school is on the verge of coming to an end. Recently the tutors from the Leman boarding house have achieved a big win for their fundraiser; they managed to get 2000 euros in donations in just under a week! If you are not aware of the event, House Parents Mr Tom, Mr Ricardo and Mr Morgan are cycling 900km in six days from Geneve to Barcelona to raise 4,000 euros to buy a new Ventilation machine for a Premature baby unit where one of their good friends children was just born, two months premature. This Machine saved this child’s life and the hospital is in
urgent need of a new one. I wish their cause all the best and hope they raise more money in the future to come.
There was also another charity bike ride, organized by Cdl called “Tour du lac” supporting SOA (Serenje Orphans Appeal). On Saturday staff from CDL cycled the 160km round the lake to raise awareness and Money. Every two years, there is a CDL High School trip (with up to 14 students) to the Zambian orphanage. The students participate in various projects when at the orphanage and get to know the children and the staff.
On the boarding side of things, this weekend there were two major activities that the boarders attended. The lion king musical in Basel, which was praised an applauded by the boarders who went to see it, and are advising others to go in the future. The boarders also got the chance to go wakeboarding in a wake park in France. Many boasted of their triumphs in the park since the majority of them managed jumps and rails, also recommending others to attend in the future, although they mentioned that the water was still a little cold.
And at last it is finally time to say good bye to the twelfth graders, who are finishing their exams and leaving CdL by the end of this week, they will be missed and good luck to them in there future!
Lots of great stuff going on. Good luck to those cycling for charity!