Some views from our garde 12 leaving boarders.

Alumni dinner was a great success, it was great to mix with
students that had graduated already and shared stories about their
lives now and what they had missed about CDL. And through this
experience the current graduating class of 2017 had received
insight towards what the future holds for them, and what they
should be able to expect once they cross that threshold. One
especially noticeable factor during the dinner was the extent of
familiarity shared amongst the students, and how much they had
truly learned throughout the course of their experiences in this tight
knitted community. I would like to end this blog on a final note, that
note being that this dinner represented the culmination of
everything this community as a whole had come to achieve socially
and interactively, regardless of whatever walks of life a person
came from, what would eventually happen to any student would be
the inevitable integration into a cultivated and overall well rounded

YK and YH

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