Pillar 4

Online safety is our 4th Pillar for the Wellbeing Programme.

We will be working on this pillar for the weeks to come and today’s topic was:

What you post….in that moment’


To help us with the reflection we used two starting points:

When we think we are being funny or witty or purposefully insensitive towards someone else’s post are we really aware of the potential harm or hurt we can cause? Most often not. Our intentions are often simple, we don’t intend any harm… simply sharing a laugh, joking with our friend, having a good banter, probably like we do when we have a situation in person at school, or in any social situation. However online our words are engraved and the tone is not present. Misunderstandings can happen and disagreements can follow, with one of the sides taking offence from our comments

 Posting a funny picture or video of someone or your friend can be online- forever! Here is an extremely important  layer of consideration to cast once we do something of this nature. What goes online is in a way or nature, forever there. Even if we can delete posts on social media, the content is not totally delete from the depths of the net. And the person victim of this post, might not access to deleting it either.


So in terms of morality and values we need to thoughtful of what we comment and what we post. Our mind should consider that by being insensitive in these scenarios we can be provoking major ongoing distress to someone else.

Thank you Aryan for helping us leading the session.

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