Well-being Time

The Léman 2 boys gathered this afternoon for the last well-being session before the October break.

The first part of the session was recapping from the session a couple of weeks ago – the boys shared their current exercise habits and wrote down targets for their future sport and activity participation. We will get together again after the break and review these goals. We have been very impressed with the current amount of sport and exercise that the boys do and the fact they are very motivated to do even more and achieve their newly set targets, is a fantastic thing to see.

When relaxing, a lot of the boys will still be on their phones or watching movies. We would like to encourage more effective methods of relaxation, for example, breathing techniques, meditation, reading, sport or listening to music. In addition to this we showed the boys a short mediation disk to give them an idea on how they can effectively relax / relieve stress. The boys responded positively and we will continue to encourage this. Some of the benefits of meditation include:

  • Reduces Stress.
  • Controls Anxiety.
  • Promotes Emotional Health.
  • Enhances Self-Awareness.
  • Lengthens Attention Span.
  • Can Generate Kindness.


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