The evening where we have spoken to an astronaut :)

For some of us it was a dream, to get to see and speak to real astronauts.

The event was to celebrate the 25th anniversary of swiss astronaut Claude Nicollier, space veteran of 4 space shuttle missions.

And as guest speaker we had a moonwalker, Apollo 16 Astronaut, Charlie Duke

These men are heroes and lived the dream of flying in space

We have lived the dream of seeing them in person and even talking and getting a (bad quality) selfie with Claude Nicollier

To our grade 12s… but all the others too

An important moment is ahead of our grade 12s. A moment of decisions that can influence one’s life forever. The choice of an university is delicate and complex matter but it’s also an exciting thing.

It is essential to have matured the options, select the right courses, in the right city and in the right country… And then the GPAs and the personal applications will be taken into account. It is all in the students’ hands: from the freedom of choices to the core of their grades and applications.

We are here to help but here are also a few tips to consider again, and again… 🙂

How to Choose the Right University for You: the Ultimate Guide