Welcome back to this incredible coming year at CDL !!Foto Machu pichu

Hello people of the world! The one you can see in that picture is me, Enrique, one of the two Leman 2 house parents this exciting year!

As you may ask yourself about me I’m going to introduce myself;

I work in this renowned school since last year. Before coming in to Switzerland I lived in Canada, Spain and France where I worked and studied Politics and International Relations and developed my international spirit of understanding and respect.

I speak English, French and Spanish and I understand almost everything in Portuguese and of Italian pasta or at least that is what I think!

My biggest passions are all related with humanities, reading  and traveling are just some examples and my biggest values are tolerance, respect and the basic rule of “human beings”: We are all in the same ship, so let’s try to understand each other and coexist.


Hoping to see you soon in Leman to know each other I wish you all a great holidays come back!



Hi everyone, students, parents and friends of Léman 2.

I am one of the new House Parents in charge of Léman 2. I have been working for CDL since 2008 and most of you know who I am. Until last year I was working in Villars, one of the external villas.

I am portuguese, live with my wife and children in France. I have worked and lived in Portugal (my home country), France, UK and Switzerland.

Originally I am a Modern Foreign Languages teacher (I speak English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and some Italian so…if you need help, just ask) but I have discovered boarding thanks to CDL and… here I am today.

I am a family man, so I understand the importance of proper care towards youngsters. I like to think of myself as someone friendly, flexible and joyful. When needed I can be strict but fair ( I hope ).

Music, sports, reading and Apollo Moon missions are some of my passions. I support SL Benfica and Manchester United.

Regards to all who are reading this 🙂


Mona Lisa at Louvre, Paris

Mona Lisa (La Joconde) at Louvre Museum, Paris

The Mona Lisa is a half-length portrait of a woman by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, which has been acclaimed as “the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world.


Award Ceremony!

We are Proud to announce the winners from Leman 2 Boarding house are:

for outstanding sporting and activity involvement Alberto De Roni and Daniil Reznikov

Awards 06

Andy Pecchio and Sabir Babaev for Boarding Life

Awards 04                 Awards 02

for the Academic Achievement Award: Stephen De Olivera and Ogtay Gasimzada

Awards 18




CDL Statue


Outside the entrance to reception at CDL stands a tall interesting statue. We all walk past it every day and at some point, as with the purpose of art, it makes us ponder what its meaning is. I was curious to get the opinion of student to see what they felt the statue represented.

Daniil has a room at the end of the hall with a window that looks out over the reception and indeed on this statue. Every day when he awakens and looks out he sees it and I was curious to know his thoughts.

“…..a very beautiful statue in front of reception. We can see a figure of people, who stand one higher than another one and make a high pyramid. I think, the artist wants to say to us about how we must connect in our society. We are stronger, if we work in the group together, because we can help each other in difficult situations, share, care about somebody, be open with another person.  If we will do this, we can make our own life much happier and more successful……” Daniil Grade 9.
