December is right here and when one thinks December, one thinks Christmas.
So thank you to Aryan and Anuar for helping out putting up the Christmas decorations… and thank you Aryan for the Santa Claus hat which fits me wonderfully 🙂
We are very proud of Rayaan and Oscar who have given up their free time to help at the solidarity action of “Samedi du Partage”. This food bank initiative aims at providing immediate support to families in need of goods to eat… Hard to believe that in Geneva’s 21st Century some people still struggle with such basic need.
Well done for their help!
Here is our Community Project for this Pillar of our Wellbeing Programme on Preventing Bullying and Promoting Diversity.
I hope you like it 🙂
Léman 2 was presented with a new challenge for the next House Competition. To bake a cake…
The amazing chef, baker, and House Captain Amirhossein took on yet again the role of leader and baked a cake worthy of a praise and a prize. After an exhausting 8 hours of mastery, the Léman 2 team made it to the competition with our heads held high.
We are very proud of you Amirhossein and the people who helped even just a little bit 😉
It tasted just as good as it looked… luckily we burnt some calories playing badminton yesterday…
Friday nights have a new appeal to our Boarders. Badminton has always been an exciting game and fun activity and since the days are shorter, the nights are cooler and we are minimising our outings due to Covid, Aryavir, Oscar and Mark went for some exercise…
In badminton we can keep social distancing but Aryavir thought it would be better to be double safe for the photo 🙂
Our latest addition to our wonderful family is Mark, just arrived from Lebanon. Mark had been attending VSE before but he felt the first thing to do was start doing homework. After he finished it, he had dinner with his new friends.
We are happy to have you with us Mark and wish you a wonderful experience 🙂
This past week we celebrated ‘Spirit’ from our school motto and each section of the school did a project to demonstrate their Community Spirit. Within the Boarding Community, we aligned this with our Wellbeing Pillar 2- Promoting Diversity and Protecting Against Bullying. We believe we have a strong bond as a Boarding Community and that together with the diversity among us we bridge cultures to come together and show our community spirit. To demonstrate this we created a video.