Welcome back!

Our students are back after a well-deserved holiday, it’s time to tell us stories about their holidays and share our beautiful photos with the other members of Léman.

Some have gone travelling to a new country, Portugal, Italy or Spain have been some of the chosen ones, others have visited their families and some have discovered new places in Switzerland.

All options are good to recharge your energy 100% and to restart the course!

Fall break

Our first break of the year has arrived. Time to relax and enjoy for a week before coming back, slightly refreshed for a push until Winter break.

Quite a lot to celebrate but quite a lot to prepare too so we wish everyone a wonderful time and we looking forward to seeing you all soon next week.

Enjoy your break.

Drama performance

Show day… for weeks Aryan, Justin and Albion have been rehearsing for the drama show.

It was nice to see them on stage. Albion and Justin brought to stage a poem while Aryan was part of the cast of “The Prophet”. The boys did great and it was even more interesting that the audience was invited to discuss with all the actors after their show to discuss ideas and ask questions about how they built their characters or how they felt on stage.

Well done to everyone and thank you for a nice evening 🙂

Kotaro’s 18th birthday

Today was a special day at Léman 2, a day that we have had on the CDL calendar for 5 years now, that can only mean one thing, Kotaro’s birthday.

Without a doubt, Kotaro is a friendly, kind, joking, committed person who likes to help others and now he is 18 years old!

At Léman 2 we have only good words to say about you and in this, your last year, we hope you enjoy yourself as much as we enjoyed you.

The boys also wanted to congratulate Kotaro on his birthday, although it ended up being especially chocolatey!

Luckily the cake survived (Kotaro too) and we were all able to eat it together, a bit of sweetness to say goodbye to the week and start the last week before the October break.

Great work on the lake cleaning

Solidarity activity at Lake Geneva on the beach of Versoix, today some of our students from Léman 2 took part in this beautiful initiative.

A great nature lover, our new friend Olivier, gave us a talk about the fauna and flora of the lake and the consequences that pollution is having on it. Afterwards we cleaned the beach of Versoix, a total of more than 2 kilos of rubbish was removed.

Good work by all present!

Here is also Mateus’ thoughts on today’s activity, bravo!

“Today we went to the biggest freshwater lake in all center Europe (Lake Geneva), our main goal was to do a simply clean parts of a small coast at the center of Versoix, our group had around 20 students from collège du Léman and we realised how polluted Lake Geneva was even before we started cleaning

We decided to make an effort to try save  or at least help our environment in our local area, with the help of an experienced teacher. We managed to raise awareness in our community and raised a point about the problems of smoking cigarets, tobacco and more. Near the water of the lake, we see the effects of cigaret ashes. One cigaret can affect 1000 litres of water. This would harm our waters and putting at risk our sea life and areas surrounding our coast.

After 2 hours of cleaning, our group came back to the school with a different perspective of how we should treat the environment and how simple actions like we just did could make a big difference in things as important as the Lake Geneva is to us and to the citizens of France and Switzerland”

Mateus, participant in the activity and member of Léman 2



Ayam… the Chef

What to do on a rainy weekend?

Meet Ayam the Chef, proudly showing his Pizza Calzone done in Cooking Club on Saturday

Sunday was the bake-off. Cake was at the menu. Ayam the chef, seconded by his apprentice Junior, the chef-to-be, worked on a marble cake to be presented for the House Competition.

The visual result is great… I am not telling you about the taste because you might want to try it too 🙂

Great job Ayam!:)