“People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. People will never forget how you made them feel.”


According to our boys here are the basic ingredients for a positive relationship:









-Common interests







Mix them all together. Nurture it with time… the results can be for a lifetime 🙂


Peer Pressure & Pistachios

Our topic today was “Peer pressure”. It was around a bag of pistachios, kindly offered by Amirhossein, that we had an interesting talk about what peer pressure is and how it affects our lives.

While we were trying to define it, as a mean of influencing others to do something they might not want to, Junior raised an interesting point: peer pressure might be unvoluntary which means it might not start from a negative feeling.

After briefing about situations and how this can happen, we focused on the positive definition of peer pressure – where people’s influence towards each other leads them to do, produced or evolve in a positive direction. And we all agreed we would do our best to be role-models and positively influence each other.

However, Amirhossein has exerted a lot of negative impact on us as the whole bag of pistachios disappeared during the Well Being session  🙂