In this extended weekend many of our boarders joined fun activities and made the most out of the excellent weather.
These are a few captures of the moments and trips organised:
In this extended weekend many of our boarders joined fun activities and made the most out of the excellent weather.
These are a few captures of the moments and trips organised:
The charcoal was lit, the meat was ready, a speaker with good music was playing, all that was missing were the guys from Léman to start our barbecue. And so it was, this Sunday we could enjoy this wonderful outdoor activity on the terrace of Léman.
Besides, this event coincided with another even more important one, Mr. Antonio’s birthday, we celebrated it as he deserves.
Thank you very much for your effort and dedication,
Your house that loves and admires you.
Today we had a special activity the first Mountain Film Festival! In this event we enjoyed several short films about climbing and outdoor activities. In addition to being surprised with impressive acrobatic gestures on the rock and wonderful landscapes we have been able to discover stories of overcoming and integration.
This week we focused on Attachment Figures!
As discussed in the launch phase of the Pillar during the assembly, the attachment theory focuses on
relationships and bonds (particularly long-term) between people, including those between a parent
and child and between romantic partners. The quality of our early attachments profoundly influences two things:
• our personality
• our relationships later in life
Depending on their attachment style, our students are either able to empathize with others, to share
feelings with other people, show trust, engage in long-term relationships, have high self-esteem, enjoy
intimate relationships, seek out for support etc or not.
Since our attachment styles are formed so early, we neither remember much about this stage of
development nor do we have control over it. Therefore, our attachment traits are typically subconscious and automatic. As a consequence, we might find ourselves repeating the same unhealthy
patterns – in our relationships with ourselves and with others – over and over again.
So, since awareness is the beginning of change, this week we asked our students to take an attachment questionnaire quiz to help them figure out their attachment style.
This is an individual tasks and there is no need to share any results. Our goal is uniquely to incite each and everyone to gain awareness and if needed try to rebuild a link with their attachment figures.
The sun is shining and so are our students taking on the several activities planned for the weekend.
Have a look at some of the great moments experienced this weekend:
10km Run !! What an achievement !!
Justin getting his swing technique up a level
Key take-away point: Time in – how do you connect with inner world?
Self-awareness enables you to more objectively see what you are doing. It shows you why you think what you think and feel what you feel. It gives you a moment of pause in any situation, before you react. Without looking inside yourself and understanding your own patterns, no real change can happen, and you will continue to make the same mistakes.
Self-awareness is developed by reflection, meditation and honest self-examination.
Now, once you look inside yourself and you see the beliefs and emotional patterns that are not constructive, the habits that are non-empowering, what do you do?
Time in is the time we can take – one minute a day, ten minutes a day or throughout the day – to intentionally focus our attention on our inner world, which is composed of our thoughts, feelings, memories, beliefs, values, desires, instincts, intuition etc
Developing the habit of connecting regularly with your inner world will strengthen your self-awareness and help you to see, explore and develop your moral identity.
The ability to connect regularly with your moral identity will inevitably force to question yourself whether or not the choices you make are safe and responsible ones.
Will you commit to take one minute time in each day for a week?
Today we were able to enjoy an outdoor dinner, and an oriental food truck has been visited us, we can try food such as hummus and falafel, and refresh ourselves with some iced tea.
We love these dinners and also the nice weather!
Yesterday evening a few CDL students had the opportunity to go to the Ballet.
The Béjart Ballet of Lausanne is a true reference in the choreographic world and in this Performance, created and set by Maurice Béjart, as a tribute to Jorge Donn and Freddy Mercury to the music of Queen and Mozart.
A hymn to love, passion, a fight for life and a snub to the coronavirus.
Climbing is an exciting activity which requires coordination, balance and dexterity. This is what Hamza and Jeff found out while they spent the Saturday morning going up and down the climbing walls with some of their peers.
Their satisfaction is visible in their faces and we are positive they will repeat this again.
Our 5th Pillar of the Wellbeing programme was now formally launched in the May Boarding Assembly.
Making responsible choices works as a sum up of all the contents we have discussed in previous pillars and wraps up all that we try to help our students with. All we do in life is based on the decisions we take and it is our part to ensure that the ones we take are the best possible, for us and for those around us.
Looking back, this links directly with the way we take care of ourselves and our health. In our Pillar 1 we have worked on it.
It also links in the way we live together, respecting our differences and finding strength in what brings us as a big family. In our Pillar 2 we have discussed that.
We also need to establish positive connections with the people around us, positive links that need to be cherished and preserved. That was the topic of our Pillar 3
In a virtual world as the one we have today, it is even more important to take our precautions online and establish limits to how much we share and what we share. That was our Pillar 4.
So, in this pillar, our approach will be to ask for reflection from our inner selves and find out the strategies and motivations behind each choice we make: our background, motivations, fears… and with this, be able to get to the core of ourselves and better identify who we are and what leads us to the ways we follow in life.